Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Star Wars Paper Jewelry

Since everyone is Star Wars crazy this week, I think I should post the Star Wars themed things I have made. These were for Celebration Europe in Essen, Germany.
Since this convention took place in Germany, I felt like I should combine German cultural kitsch with Star Wars and made a Star Wars Dirndl and matching jewelry.

Star Wars Paper Jewelry:

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Star Wars Dirndl

Since everyone is Star Wars crazy this week, I think I should post the Star Wars themed things I have made. These were for Celebration Europe in Essen, Germany.
Since this convention took place in Germany, I felt like I should combine German cultural kitsch with Star Wars and made a Star Wars Dirndl and matching jewelry.

First, I made a pattern of my favorite Dirndl dress by tracing the pieces...

Then I cut out patterns of the fabric and stitched them as "appliqué" onto the apron.

I decided to make my own "TIE Cockpit" buttons by covering old buttons with fabric.

 I made my own ribbon - ruffles by sewing two colors together.

Voilà! The Star Wars dirndl in action…

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Baking Cherry Pie with Atomic Cheesecake Studios

Right in time for the Holidays Coco Vin felt like baking...

Photos by Atomic Cheesecake Studios

Hmmm but what shall I bake?

First you crack an egg!

The egg cracked and what a handsome egg it was! Oh My!

Then you stir it all up...

Voilà! A cherry pie right in time for the Holidays!